The Victoriaville veterinary clinic has been in operation for over 50 years. It’s a well-established business, so to speak. For Isabelle, Coordinator of the Animal Health Technicians, it’s been 23 years at the organization. In addition to her role as an Animal Health Technician, she also takes care of management duties. She acts as a support to staff management, looking after schedules, and more. You won’t be surprised to learn that she’s seen mistakes creep in along the way.
Meeting Agendrix
In 2018, during a training session in Ontario, Isabelle heard about Agendrix for the first time. Lucie, from the SPA in Mauricie, told her about her experience with the application, which she used and loved. At the SPA, they had tested Agendrix, only to consider another tool for comparison. In the end, this change was not appreciated, and the SPA team returned to their first love. That’s all it took for Isabelle to be convinced.
Considerable Work
Scheduling has always been done manually, using a Publisher calendar. Isabelle reckons that this task required many hours of her time: building the ideal schedule for all veterinarians and animal health technicians is everything but easy. An added challenge is that the clinic’s employees expect to receive their schedules as soon as possible. To meet this demand, Isabelle has always made it a point to create her schedules a month and a half in advance.
Communications Within the Team
Since everyone at the clinic rubbed shoulders in person, changes and requests for leave were naturally communicated verbally. Morning greetings were followed by requests for shift changes. It was difficult for Isabelle not to forget anything. Since the implementation of the Agendrix application in the clinic over a year ago, this way of working has changed.
Today, vacations and other questions relating to schedule changes mainly take place on Agendrix. When more details need to be communicated, the application’s internal chat tool is ideal. This way, all schedule-related information is secured in one place. No more forgetting, losing information or hunting for a missing post-it note.
I no longer have to check with everyone to make sure they’ve seen their schedules and the changes they’ve made. In that way, Agendrix has changed my life!
Impossible Confirmations
Posting the schedule has often been a source of stress for Isabelle. Fourth change, fourth printed version… Who’s seen it? More importantly, who did NOT? How could she be sure that everyone was aware of the changes that affected them? This was one of the main sources of frustration for her. Agendrix has given her peace of mind: every change is now followed by a notification to the impacted employees. It’s even possible for Isabelle to see who has seen the change to their schedule. So long, gray areas.
Technology Serving Isabelle Right
The Victoriaville veterinary clinic now benefits not only from a dedicated coordinator, but also from peace of mind. Everyone can access their schedule online, directly on their phone. They can also find all their shift information in the same accessible place. As for Isabelle, she can continue to create schedules a month and a half in advance, but no longer has to worry that an employee may have missed a schedule change along the way.
Photo credits : Dr Marie-Hélène Gravel, veterinarian