Mark Krahn is the accountant and manager at the Home Hardware franchise in La Crete, Alberta. His duties include handling schedules and payroll. He first discovered Agendrix at the Winnipeg WRLA Building & Hardware Showcase. During his 30-day free trial, Mark was particularly impressed by Agendrix’s ease of use compared to Excel. Here’s why.
Before / After (time per week)
The schedules were created in Excel and posted in the employee lounge every month. The process was time-consuming, and time-off requests were sometimes forgotten, frustrating employees.
The employees used time cards to record their work hours. Managers then had to painstakingly double or triple check them against the schedule before sending to payroll. Errors were difficult to avoid.
Time offs are submitted by the employees via the app and appear directly in the schedule. Creating the schedule is also easier now, as shift conflicts are always shown in the scheduler.
No more manual rewriting. The employees clock in and out using the Agendrix punch clock, which automatically saves the data in their online timesheets. The app also spots errors automatically.
Why Choose Agendrix?
- Easier to collect information
- Easier to work with this system instead of Excel spreadsheets
- Employee management improved