Generation X refers to the population born between 1965 and 1980. Generation Y refers to the population born between 1980 and 1995. Generation Z refers to the population born from 1996 onwards.
Experts do not all agree on the date ranges that determine who belongs to Generations X, Y and Z. The boundaries between generations are therefore approximate.
What Are The Characteristics of Generations X, Y and Z?
Generation X grew up at a time when technology was advancing rapidly, but had not yet been democratized. This generation therefore understands the time when digital technology was not accessible, but also sees the benefits it has brought. The characteristics that best describe Generation X are resourcefulness, logic and the ability to solve problems.
Generation Y‘s boundaries are more blurred, ranging from 1980 to 1993, 1994, 1996 or 2000. This generation is often described as lazy in the media. They were the first generation to be born with technology. Generation Y is highly independent, capable of meeting its own needs and learning for itself thanks to the Internet. The characteristics that best describe Generation Y are trust, curiosity and questioning authority.
Not everyone agrees on when Generation Z began. However, it’s clear that Generation Z has never known life without technology. The characteristics that best describe Generation Z are ambition, confidence and ease with technology.