What Is a Daily Schedule?

A daily work schedule is a workforce organization system that focuses on the detailed activities to be performed by each employee at specified times of the day.

Why Make a Daily Work Schedule?

Drawing up a daily work schedule makes it possible to centralize information relevant to employee management, including entry and exit times, break times, absences or delays, positions, etc.

Here is some information to consider when creating a daily work schedule:

  • Employees’ first and last names
  • Employee positions
  • Scheduled work shifts
  • Paid and unpaid break times
  • Labor costs

How to Create a Daily Work Schedule?

To create a daily work schedule in Excel, enter the name of each employee on the horizontal axis (x). The relevant schedules are then entered for each employee. The schedule can be customized as required by adjusting the layout.

Additional information can also be added as required, such as break times or the employee’s schedule rate.

Several specialized tools are available to simplify the creation of daily schedules, including some employee management software. Alternatively, you can download our employee daily schedule template, available in Excel, Word, and printable PDF formats.

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