In addition to schedule planning, Agendrix allows for basic timesheet management and lets you generate various associated cumulative reports.
The following procedure used by some organizations in the Agendrix app mainly involves three modules.
When it comes to timesheets, a variety of unexpected situations can arise. Employees can punch in or leave earlier or later than initially planned in Agendrix, or even fail to show up entirely. This can be especially problematic in customer-centric businesses such as retailers or call centers.
If an Employee Has to Change Their Schedule, Here’s How to Do It.
- They need to go on My Schedule via their cellphone or other connected device, and select the shift requiring modification.
- Depending on the case, the employee can leave a comment specifying the time when they actually started or ended their shift. As every comment is timestamped, managers will know exactly when the employee made the comment.
- Schedule managers can then revise the prior shift in the Schedule Planner to reflect hours actually worked.
- When it’s time to make timesheets, schedule managers can export various types of reports to compile data contained on Agendrix (see below).
- They can then transmit this information to payroll, who will process it according to their needs.
Be aware that if you make changes to existing shifts before duplicating them, you’ll duplicate the shifts as modified. Special attention will have to be paid before publishing the next schedule.
Agendrix provides various report generation options. The most useful one for the above process is Scheduled Hours.
As its description suggests, the Scheduled Hours report is broken down by the time of day. This tells you, for a given period, how many hours an employee worked by day, by evening or by night.
This makes it easy to customize an Excel file in which information taken from the Scheduled Hours can be copied and pasted to quickly generate a report that takes into account evening, night and holiday bonuses, sick leave, and other considerations.
*Note that our support team is available to answer your questions, and can assist you in customizing or creating an Excel file template that organizes your data according to your needs.
Bulletin Board
To make sure things go smoothly, your employees have to be made aware of the importance of properly reporting the relevant information in order to keep your schedules up to date. It’s important that scheduled hours always reflect the hours actually worked. Telephone time tracking systems are particularly useful to this end.
A bulletin board is ideal for explaining to your employees how timesheets are to be managed in your organization.
Example of a Policy on the Bulletin Board
Here’s how we use Agendrix to compile actual worked hours and do payroll:
- You’re late,
- You’re early,
- You finish earlier than scheduled, or
- You finish later than scheduled
Please leave a comment on the shift in question and tell us if and why it should be modified.
To comment on a shift in the My Schedule section, use its Comment feature.
Your immediate supervisor will be notified of the requested changes.
Note that they’ll also be able to answer your comment.
Thank you for your care and consideration.
The Management
Tips for Creating Bulletin Board Messages
On What Sites Will Messages Appear?
For those who use several sites, select the site or sites that use timesheets. The idea is to share the policy only with those to whom it applies.
Who Can See Them?
Select only the positions that use timesheets. The idea is to share the policy only with those to whom it applies.
Message Options
Select Requires confirmation so that Agendrix asks recipients to confirm having read it. The idea is to make employees accountable and avoid repeating instructions. Employees who confirm having read messages are generally more attentive to procedures and rules.