Business Operations
6 min.

10 Tip Jar Ideas to Boost Tips

Andrée-Anne Blais-Auclair
Last updated on 25 Feb. 2025
Published on 25 Feb. 2025
A hand painting a smiley face on a tip jar that is filled with coins and bills, symbolizing creative and welcoming tip jar ideas.
A hand painting a smiley face on a tip jar that is filled with coins and bills, symbolizing creative and welcoming tip jar ideas.

Unlock the secret to bigger tips with our creative tip jar ideas! Whether you’re a barista, bartender, or delivery driver, these fun and effective tip jar ideas will boost your earnings.

Table of contents

From clever jar designs to engaging messages that entice generosity, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to watch those tips pour in!

What Is a Tip Jar?

A tip jar is a container where customers can leave gratuities for the staff. Tip jars are often placed at service counters in restaurants, cafes, bars, or other customer-facing establishments, serving as a visual prompt for customers to show appreciation for good service by leaving cash tips. Tip jars can be creatively decorated or labeled to encourage more contributions, providing an additional income stream for employees who rely on tips as a significant part of their earnings.

Importance of a Tip Jar

Having a clever tip jar can significantly enhance tips, which often constitutes a major portion of employees’ earnings. A well-designed tip jar attracts more attention and encourages patrons to leave tips by making the act of tipping more engaging and fun.

This boost in tips not only improves financial stability for employees but also boosts morale and motivation by recognizing their hard work and service.

Tip jar statistics

A survey by Pew Research found that the highest percentages of Americans report leaving tips at:

  • Sit-down restaurants (92%)
  • When ordering food delivery (76%)
  • When purchasing drinks at a bar (70%)

In contrast, only 12% of Americans leave tips at fast-casual restaurants.

Cash Tip Jar or Digital Tip Jar?

Digital tip jars are increasingly popular, due to the sharp rise in third-party ordering and delivery services, mobile ordering, and contactless pickup. When customers do show up at the counter of quick-serve restaurants, less than one-third of transactions are cash.

To ensure employees receive tips, many establishments now rely on digital tip jars instead of cash tip jars. However, both types of tip jars have their own benefits and drawbacks. The best choice often depends on the specific environment and customer preferences.

Pros & Cons of a Cash Tip Jar

A cash tip jar is a physical container where customers can leave cash tips for employees. They are often found at service counters in restaurants, cafes, and bars.

Pros of a cash tip jar

  • Easy to set up and use; no technology required.
  • Employees can see and access their tips immediately.
  • A visible jar can serve as a constant reminder for customers to tip.

Cons of a cash tip jar

  • Vulnerable to theft and loss.
  • Limits tips to only customers who carry cash.
  • Handling cash can spread germs.

Pros & Cons of a Digital Tip Jar

A digital tip jar is an electronic method for collecting tips, using mobile payment apps, QR codes, or online platforms.

Pros of a digital tip jar

  • Allows tips from customers who prefer cashless transactions.
  • Reduces risk of theft and loss associated with physical cash.
  • Easier tracking and documentation of tips for tax purposes.

Cons of a digital tip jar

  • Requires access to digital payment methods and reliable internet.
  • May incur fees from payment processors.
  • Less visible than a physical jar, potentially reducing impulse tips.

5 Basic Tips for Effective Tip Jars

1. Make Tipping Clear and Simple

Use a transparent jar so customers can see the tips accumulating.

2. Keep Your Tip Jar Message Polite

Attach a small sign saying “Tips appreciated” or “Thank you for your generosity”.

3. Put Your Tip Jar in Clear Sight

Place the tip jar prominently near the checkout counter or service area.

4. Don’t Keep Your Tip Jar Empty (Or Too Full)

If needed, put a couple of bucks in the tip jar to get the ball rolling. Empty the jar regularly to show it’s actively used and to prevent theft.

5. Personalize Your Tip Jar

Add a personal touch with the employee’s name or a short thank-you note.

10 Creative Tip Jar Ideas

Making people chuckle with a touch of unexpected humor can help loosen wallets. Just make sure your customers and boss will appreciate the joke, otherwise you can kiss those tips goodbye.

Whatever cute tip jar ideas you choose, if you notice customers stopping long enough to look at your  tip jar, give them a gentle nudge to put their money where their eyes are!

1. Humor Customers Into Tipping

Unexpected humor can stop people in their tracks. Perhaps long enough for you to gently remind them that the awesome tip jar they’re looking at isn’t merely for decorative purposes.

tip jar

Source : Imgur

2. Shame Clients Into Tipping

After all, who would want to be lumped in with that lot?

tip jar with faces drawn on it

Source : Daily Mail

3. Make Tipping a Game

Change up the game weekly and customers will start looking for your tip jar. It can even become part of the customer experience.

game with two tip jars, asking customers what their favourite film is

Source: Imgur

4. Give Customers a Lofty Reason to Tip

Tipping is for their own good, really.

tip jar with money inside

Source: Reddit

5. Let Customers Choose Where Their Tip Goes

Another “choose where you tip goes game”, that you can change daily. But this one announces the results of the previous day’s poll as well.

two tip jars with

Source: Pinterest

6. Threaten Customers

But with a fun and empty threat, of course. 😇

tip jar with two photos and text

Source: Reddit

7. Coerce Customers With Flattery

As long as customers determine the level of coercion, it’s gotta be ok, right?

tip jar with yellow paper and text on it

Source: Reddit

8. Give Customers a Meaningful Reason to Tip

We all know that attending university is a costly endeavor. Let customers know that their tips will be going to a good cause: your education.

Tip jar with an orange paper and black text

Source: 7shifts

Bonus idea: Include your college & program of study, and that customers from your alma mater or who work in the same field get double their tip!

9. Encourage Customers to Tip for a Good Cause

Most people feel good about supporting local organizations. So why not offer to donate a portion of your tips to a worthy organization like your local animal rescue or community food bank?

Or… you can simply make up a almost-real-sounding organization. (Anyone remember Seinfeld’s “The Human Fund?)

Just be sure you have full transparency and buy-in from your boss.

10. Make Tipping a Contest : Biggest Tip of the Day Wins a Free Burger (Or Anything Else)

People tend to be more generous when they stand to gain, too. Again, make sure you have your boss’s ok before deciding to give away free stuff.

5 Bonus Tip Jar Ideas

1. Theme-Based Jars

Decorate the jar to match holidays, seasons, or special events.

2. Interactive Elements

Include a small game or trivia question related to your business.

3. Visual Appeal

Use colorful and eye-catching designs or themes that reflect your brand.

4. Incentives

Offer a small reward or discount for customers who tip, like a coupon or entry into a raffle.

5. Thank-You Board

Create a display board next to the jar showing appreciation for recent tippers, with their initials or names.

Who Should You Tip?

You may earn tips at your job, but do you know all the other service workers out there who also rely on tips as part of their income? Take a look at this list and see if you’ve been missing anyone:

Food and Beverage Service


Personal Services


  • Taxis and rideshare services
  • Limousine and chauffeur services
  • Airline attendants (sometimes)

Gaming and Entertainment

  • Casinos (dealers, servers)
  • Live entertainment venues (musicians, performers)

Retail and Service

  • Valet parking
  • Coat check services
  • Pet grooming

Have fun with your tip jar! As long as it’s appropriate for your establishment and customers, and you have your boss’s ok, you’ve got everything to gain. Here’s to earning more tips!

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