5 min.

High Fives: A Module to Promote Recognition

Mathieu Allaire
Last updated on 22 Dec. 2023
Published on 2 Sep. 2022
Icône High fives d'Agendrix
Bannière High fives d'Agendrix

A new module will now allow employees and managers to send short recognition messages to one another directly on Agendrix.

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The High Fives module was developed to help organizations foster a people-first culture where celebrating among colleagues is easier than ever.

High Fives works its magic through fun message cards that can be customized with gifs, personalized texts, and as many emojis as necessary (read: a lot). Recipients (individual employee, group, specific position) and visibility (public or private) are left to the sender’s discretion.

Creating a People-First Culture of Work

Why develop a recognition module? Simply put, appreciation aligns perfectly with our mission to make management about people, not processes. There’s a reason we’ve been writing about the positive impact of recognition on overall organizational culture and employee morale morale for years.

With a module that helps highlight the little everyday wins, good deeds, anniversaries, and encouragement—which too often go unnoticed by both managers and their team at large—we help recognition take its rightful place at work.

Hyped About Trying High Fives Out?

High Fives is part of our Essential Plan; all subscribed users have access to the module, which we’ve made active by default.

Managers: To access the High Fives module, hover over the new HR tab in the left menu, then select High Fives in the submenu.

Employees: To access the module, simply click the High Fives tab in the left menu.

To create and send a recognition message card, click the Send a high five button in the upper right corner, then follow the steps.

For more information about the module, please refer to this support article on our help center.

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